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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Meaning and the ordinary.

I guess where all this has led me, is to ponder whether one can 'believe in' the power of the ordinary if it isn't possible to perceive that life and, therefore the ordinary, has meaning.

It is hard for me to put myself in the shoes of someone for whom the journey of life has no particular meaning so I can only guess. But how do people manage if each day is just another day and life has no particular purpose except to live from one day to the next. Why, under those circumstances, is it worth being good or moral or law-abiding or being faithful to anything? And yet, I see all around me, people who live good lives at great personal cost and who sometimes suffer great hardship or pain and who are full of courage and don't despair, or  don't stop being good. My only thought is that for such people (and I think that by far the majority of people try to do that) life does have meaning but it is just not articulated in terms that are religious. It is here, perhaps, that many people would speak about the spiritual, but not the religious, meaning of their lives.

I am rambling here but I know that for myself, I see the meaning of my life in terms of my faith in a loving God. My faith leads me to see that it is God in all of life, in all the good. But I find it hard to know how to overcome the hostility and/or the often justified, skepticism of the 21st century and speak in religious terms. Again, at least for me, I want to share the Beauty I have seen that I would not have seen without a community of faith to show me and I don't know how to do that.

I see that maybe that is part of the struggle of the journey. How do we share with one another that which is most important to us without arguing or persuading or shouting or insulting or any of the feelings we tend to get into because we think in terms like: I am right and 'they' are wrong. Something to ponder further I reckon.


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