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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happiness as part of the journey

Some time ago I asked a friend, who had had quite a lot of upheaval in her life, if she was happy. I think I was thinking fairly concretely as in, happy in your new situation. And she did reply. She said, "I guess so. It's really difficult to answer. I mean are you HAPPY? or just living life where God or circumstance have put you (so to say)?...there may be peace , there may not be actual happiness...". 

She then went on to say " I look around me at friends of my age and ask are they HAPPY?" Finally, she said "Happiness is a different concept when one is old than when one is young I think. Often blocks to happiness come from within oneself and in that regard I think/feel I am not living my [life] to the fullest that I am capable of."

I found her answers thought-provoking. But also, her question: "Are you HAPPY?" made me ponder. Some of the upheavals in my life would put this question to the test I think but here was my answer.

Yes, I am happy. But it isn't because I am here or not there for instance. That is to say, my happiness is not situational; it isn't dependent upon where I am or who I am with except at a fairly superficial level. I am genuinely happy because I feel that my life , however difficult it has been, has been blessed and held and I am filled with gratitude. And I believe that gratitude is at the bottom of all happiness. 

I have always felt too, that I am free - not in the sense of not having obligations, or of being able to do what I want - but free to choose. Even when I have been in situations where someone else has made decisions that profoundly and perhaps adversely, affected my life, I have felt free to choose to accept these or not. I can always reject what I do not positively choose. So in the end, I have a kind of control because I choose what I can and will do in given situations. If that is so, then I cannot, for instance, be a victim.

Obviously, there are times when the choices facing anyone are decisions between bad and worse but even then, I can choose to accept that that is as it is and get on with it, working all the time towards more positive change. I wonder if this sounds simplistic but if it does, I can't think of anything else that can account for my happiness. It has taken a very long time though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write about being genuinely happy. Is there any other kind? I think you are describing the "peace that surpasses all understanding." I think happiness has more umph, more enthusiasm. (Enthusiasm means being infused with God.) It comes spontaneously from the heart, not the head as in ,for example, recognizing your ability to choose.
I like your description of being held -the loving tenderness of it - but I like to think it has a dual meaning of being held up to living your values.
Do you remember my poem on happiness, called Moving and Still?

Happiness is like the wind
Tender, gentle, wild
It rushes in and sweeps away
Leaves us refreshed, beguiled.
Its spectrum knows such heights and depths
There's contentment's even keel
The dizzying high of falling in love
The deep shared love of years.
It guides on us to follow our star
Feel the thrill of learning new things
The joy that a bursting belly laugh
Or a sleeping baby brings.
Happiness comes from our nest, our home
Which nurtures and gives us rest
And through our journey one good friend
And health when at its best.
While happiness is centre stage
Sadness waits in the wings
And when the curtain opens
Together, duets sing.
Sometimes trading places
In life's ebb and flow
Experiencing our sadness
Helps happiness to glow.
Asking, exploring, creating
Beginning each day anew
Sending our prayers out to the world
Giving gratitude its due.