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Sunday, January 26, 2014


“Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows.” John Betjeman

This week I don't want to write much but I do want to share with you some photos that I have taken of children. These are not children that I know personally but I felt each time I saw them that they represented a sort of 'childrenness' (I don't imagine this is a real word but you will understand what I mean). I guess the reason I wanted to share them is because I often feel as an adult how much of that quality I have lost. It isn't that childhood is all wonder or joy by any means but I do feel feel that what they experience, whether it be joy or fear or uncertainty or curiosity is much less guarded and protected than later in life.

Almost everything is an adventure and a learning.





The other thing that strikes me in many of these photos is that for most children trust is a totally necessary part of their lives. They must trust the adults in whose care they are placed. 'Life' tends to make us less trusting as we grow older- sometimes a good and necessary thing but sometimes a sad and hardening thing.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Such adorable children in your photos! Looking at them makes me want to protect them from the sometimes harsh realities of life. They also inspire me with their sense of wonder. As adults we so often forget how to just play and take ourselves too seriously. I find that sometimes my cats can help me remember how restorative play time can be.