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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Light and Dark

This Sunday is for many Christians the Feast of the Epiphany. The scripture that is read from the gospel is mostly about the magi/kings/wise men that came in search of the child Jesus. So, it is about following a light and about a journey. 

Another scripture reading comes from the book of the prophet Isaiah. It begins: 'Arise, shine out for your light has come, the glory of God is rising on you, though night still covers the earth and darkness the peoples'. That is very mixed sign isn't it? Light and darkness. The theme is carried forward in the gospel of Matthew where we see the men following a bright star but on the journey they are also faced with the dark ambition and fear of the rulers of the land. It is a journey then towards the light but which includes more than one confrontation with the dark.

In the story they reach the light most certainly, but it requires great perseverance and wisdom as they go. Theirs is a long and tiring journey during which they are not sure what they will find. They only know they must go on. 

All this made me think of life's journey for us all. Our days, our months, our years are surely that mixture of seeking light: what is good, what is true, what is loving and at the same time, constantly being confronted by the dark within ourselves and others. But we do, mostly, go on don't we? We are drawn towards something? Someone? or is it just well-being?  peace?  Light? or are those all the same?

What is it that draws you forward? What is it that gives your life meaning? 

I wanted to share with you a TED talk I watched recently which isn't so far off the track of this meditation:

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Thanks for the inspiring readings and that wonderful TED talk!

What gives my life meaning is thinking that as one unique individual I can make a difference. There are several areas in which I'd like to make a difference and they include raising awareness about the injustices that are suffered by both human and nonhuman animals so as to lead to improved conditions for us all, applying my scientific abilities to discoveries that will hopefully be of benefit to others, and finding other ways to apply my creative energy that will make the world a better place. I guess the areas I focus on change over the years, but the intent remains the same, to change the world in ways, however small and humble they may be, that wouldn't have happened without me.

So what gives your life meaning?