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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Thursday / Good Friday

The crucifixion didn't just happen two thousand years ago... it still happens.

 But if we try to care for one another LIFE will thrive for all people...

If God is like Jesus, then we find out that God is not, after all,  distant and uninvolved. God is here hanging with us on our own crosses of terror, loneliness, injustice giving us the wherewith, not just to endure, but in the end, to overcome all that is hurtful and dark in a world meant to be loving and care-full and joyful. 

Whatever our burdens:


1 comment:

Cathy said...

Those are comforting and inspiring thoughts. Feeling that God is with us facing our challenges and seeing God in those around us as they face their challenges can bring about strength, courage, and empathy.