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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Forgiveness and some beauty.

This is another blog which is mostly going to be a sharing of some photos but maybe it is possible to make a connection between them and this quote from Jean Vanier*:

Likes and dislikes are motivated by our own natural needs and fears. We are attracted to those who seem to affirm and encourage us, who love and admire us. We reject those who do not affirm or encourage us but who judge and condemn. We may not be imprisoned in anything as strong as hate, but our likes and dislikes create equally high walls of prejudice. Behind them we can act as if others do not exist, or as if they do not belong to our common humanity.

To be truly liberated, we have to make an effort to communicate with those we dislike, to try to understand and accept them as they are, and to experience our mutual humanity. This is forgiveness.

* Jean Vanier: Becoming Human, Paulist Press/House of Anansi Press, 1998

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I think that's easier said than done, but it's worth trying. Sometimes I think our dislikes may be the result of mistaken perceptions and it's certainly worth stepping back to be sure we're not mistaken. I'm not sure if acceptance is the same as forgiveness. Or at least, I think it's easier to accept than to forgive. Also, I think it's easier to forgive actions from the past than ones that are ongoing.

Nice photos!